Tag: Drama


Trailer: The Lady

You may recall The Lady as the movie that got Michelle Yeoh deported from Burma during filming, probably because she was starring in a ...

Trailer: Trespass

The first trailer for Joel Schumacher’s home invasion film Trespass premiered today, and much like anything that has Nicholas Cage in it, it ...

Review: One Day

One Day (July 15th, 1988, to be exact) a young, mousy college lass named Emma (Anne Hathaway) found herself escorted to her flat ...

Trailer: Puncture

This unusual trailer for Puncture shares very little in common with the tone and subject matter of the film, which I saw at ...

Trailer: The Hunter

The Hunter tells the story of a mercenary (Willem Dafoe) searching for the world’s last Tasmanian Tiger in the Austrailian wilderness. The trailer’s short, ...

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