Trailer: The Awakening So, this seems kind of like a cross between 1408 and The Orphanage. Skeptical ghost-hunting woman in search of a reason to believe, ... By Jamie R StoneFebruary 20, 20200 Trailers
Ash not showing up in Evil Dead remake As anyone with any sense knows Ash from the Evil Dead films is the biggest badass ever in the history of ever. One ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: The Skin I Live In I must admit to never having been a big Pedro Almodóvar fan. Every now and again he’ll come up with an Hable Con ... By Xander MarkhamFebruary 20, 20200
Last Exorcism director to direct Game of Death remake I really enjoyed The Last Exorcism. It was moody, atmospheric, smart, and had a great WTF end that leaves your jaw on the ... By Sean WalshFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: Creature Creature gets a lot of flack, all without the benefit of people actually having sat through it first. It’s easy to judge a ... By Jamie R StoneFebruary 20, 20200
New clip from The Thing shows a thing in an ice block A new clip from The Thing has surfaced on MTV and it showcases Mr. Eko, er, Adwale Akinnuoye-Abaje, essentially staring at an ice ... By Andres BolivarFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers Australian Trailer: Human Centipede Pt. 2 (Full Sequence) Above is the Australian trailer for The Human Centipede Part 2 (Full Sequence). Does it show any of the horrendous acts one might ... By Andres BolivarFebruary 20, 20200
Body Snatchers: Mondo Edition [Body Snatchers is Flixist’s ode to film shirts that are clever or awesome enough to cover and consume our bodies.] Okay look, I ... By Liz RuggFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: Apollo 18 It wasn’t difficult for me to be intrigued by Apollo 18. I used to be a little boy genius about the 1960s space ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: Shark Night 3D I go to the movies a lot, and missing the trailers is a nigh-unforgiveable sin to me. As such, I’ve seen pretty much ... By Sean WalshFebruary 20, 20200
Review: Fright Night The original 1985 version of Fright Night has achieved somewhat of a cult status in recent years due in no small part to ... By Jamie R StoneFebruary 20, 20200 Reviews
Reboot of The Grudge happening, shouldn’t be The Grudge was a pretty polarizing movie when it came out. Some people loved it. Most people hated it. It tried to cash in ... By Alec Kubas-MeyerFebruary 20, 20200