Netflix Now: Manatees Day Edition What’s Manatees Day? When I tried typing in “Manantine’s Day” in my phone it auto corrected to “Manatees Day” thus making it the ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Deboning the Pink Goo Edition The Super Bowl happened last weekend as I was planning to talk about it here, but it was terribly boring all around. Kudos ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Vin Diesel is a National Treasure Edition A few hours ago I wrote a story about how Vin Diesel said Universal wants another Riddick, what I didn’t get into, however, ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: FOOTBAWWWWWWW Edition I like football probably not as much as the next guy (as I only jump in during playoff season like some cheap bandwagoner), ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Features Matt’s 10 best 2013 movies you can watch on Netflix Netflix is awesome. Streaming movies is great and they’ve got tons of classics and a decent amount of more recent blockbusters. However, Netflix ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Texting in Theaters Edition On Monday, a man in Florida was shot and killed because he was texting in a theater. While it’s easy for most of ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: New Year’s Resolution Edition Before Christmas hit last year I told you all I was going on a short break. You all then suggested I gather two ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Features The Top 6 Korean Films Released on Netflix in 2013 Nearly every time I tell people that I’m a fan of Korean films, I point them to the Korean subgenre on Netflix. It’s ... By Alec Kubas-MeyerFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix has 76,897 unique ways to describe movies Alexis Madrigal over at the Atlantic went a little insane and decided to figure out just how many of those insanely precise genres ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Lots of good movies leaving Netflix Instant January 1st So you like Netflix Instant, right? Prepare to be married to it for the rest of the year. According to Vulture (who spotted ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: 2013 Kicked Ass Edition Given that the next two Wednesdays are major holidays, and I won’t be bothered to write things other than my Nick’s Flixmas posts ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Dig It Uh Oh OHHHH, Dig It Edition Normally I’d use this space to talk about stuff going on this week, but I can’t really think about anything other than Disney’s ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200