Netflix Now: Cookie Monster of the Sea Edition Yesterday, Julia and Mauricio Handler discovered a hilarious looking set of sea sponges while diving in the Caribbean. The sponges had fused together ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Pirates Eat Chicken Buttholes Edition I know it’s Talk Like a Pirate day, but guys and gals, let’s just face it: ninjas are way better than pirates. Pirates ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Adios, Carlos Danger Edition Not to pile on Anthony Weiner this morning, but boy did his campaign experience an epic meltdown last night. Senor Danger got less ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: REALLY REALLY GOOD LOOKING EDITION Hubert’s off for the week, so it’s my pleasure to tell you that my personal favorite movie of all time, Darren Aranofsky’s Requiem ... By Alec Kubas-MeyerFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Billy Ray Cyrus Edition With Billy Ray Cyrus in the news so much, it made sense to name this week’s Netflix Now after him. I find the ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Zap Rowsdower Edition Zap Rowsdower is one of the greatest cinematic heroes of all time. More dashing than Robin Hood, more daring than James Bond, and ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Worst Ever Edition Comic Con kicks off tomorrow, meaning smelly, crowded, uncomfortable congestion in San Diego, America’s Finest City. I lived in San Diego for a ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Big in Japan Edition With the 2013 New York Asian Film Festival winding down, Alec and I are now turning our attentions to Japan Cuts, which officially ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Murica Edition The Fourth of July is near, which means good times, grilling, and splosion in the sky. It almost means many of you probably ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Punk Rock Edition I know this isn’t a forum to get political, but let me just say this: after following the story through the afternoon and ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Kim Kardashian and Her Baby Yeezus Edition Both Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had big releases this week. And both were about the size of a human baby. Kim Kardashian ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: More like X-BONED Edition Even if you don’t follow videogame news, it’s hard to avoid the big hooplah over E3 each year. Although this year, that hooplah ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200