Netflix Now: Uneventful Edition This week’s paltry offering of new streaming choices is barely worth discussing. Doghouse is a comedy about a town of women zombies who ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Now with TV Edition This column is no longer just about new streaming movies. Starting this week, Netflix Now will also be including TV shows that are ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Shaken, Not Stirred Edition Okay, you see what you’re doing here Netflix? You’re screwing with me. One week it’s 20 new movies to stream, the next week ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Dylanesque Edition I’m not gonna lie: your options this week? They’re…”limited” would be the polite word to use. “Anemic” would be the more accurate word. ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Canadian Netflix gets over 350 new Paramount films While us Yanks get to enjoy streaming a wide variety of crap on Netflix, our friends to the North have been subjected to ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix lowers costs for streaming movies (for itself) Streaming video over the internet costs mucho dinero. There’s so much data heading to your screen that it’s hard not to run up ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Japanese Gore Edition Netflix Now was missing last week. Now it’s back. Contained within? Almost 200 new films for you to stream! Aren’t you lucky? In ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix numbers numbed by surging streaming service Personal fan favorite service and Blockbuster killer, Netflix appears to find itself in a minor downfall. According to High-Def Digest, Netflix stock has ... By Geoff HenaoFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Leslie Nielsen Edition Though he may have passed on, Leslie Nielsen leaves behind a legacy of great films, and this week’s Netflix Now wants to highlight the addition ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
More Netflix subtitles by the end of 2011 Confession: I’m a bit of a subtitle stickler. Whenever watching a DVD amongst friends, I’m usually the jerk that demands that the subtitles ... By Andres BolivarFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Zombies Zombies Zombies Edition “What’s that?” says Mr. Netflix, a pudgy man with a greasy face. “You’re complaining every week about barely any new films being added ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200
Netflix Now: Punching and Forbidden Mustache Edition Work behind the scenes of Flixist last week kept Netflix Now from making an appearance, but about half of the content added to ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200