Rumored Prometheus synopsis is…I don’t even know So the handsome folks over at io9 posted what could be the plot synopsis for Ridley Scott’s is-but-isn’t-but-is-but-isn’t–an-Alien-prequel Prometheus. Reading it over, it’s…well, it’s a synopsis ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
The Prometheus Saga: To Alien or not to Alien That is the question: whether ’tis nobler in Ridley Scott’s mind for this to be a prequel or not. Back on topic, screenwriter ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Ridley Scott makes the trek to Reykjavik Get ready for Ridley Scott’s most exciting, visually creative film since Blade Runner. Nah, I’m just screwing with you. Scott has been attached ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
Is Prometheus still an Alien movie? In a recent interview with one of the stars of Ridley Scott’s upcoming Sci-fi film Prometheus, Michael Fassbender reveals some details on the ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
H.R. Giger might be working on Alien prequel If this news is true, then it’s safe to say that I’m even more interested in Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel. H.R. Giger, the ... By Bob MuirFebruary 20, 20200