Tag: Romance

Review: One Day

One Day (July 15th, 1988, to be exact) a young, mousy college lass named Emma (Anne Hathaway) found herself escorted to her flat ...

Review: Bellflower

Hollywood can roll out all the bloodsucking barons, charming princes, and experts at espionage it wants to, but the war for 2011 is ...

Trailer: Like Crazy

Anton Yelchin (Terminator Salvation) and Felicity Jones (The Tempest) star in Like Crazy, a quirky indie romance exploring th— wait, there’s an indie ...

Trailer: New Year’s Eve

Video: 'New Year's Eve' movie trailer Following the critically-acclaimed, award-winning film, Valentine’s Day, director Gary Marshall intended to create a sequel revolving around ...

Review: How to Cheat

[This week, Jenika and Alex are covering select films from the Los Angeles Film Festival. For complete coverage of the festival, make sure ...

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