Rick Baker’s MIB3 aliens are a B-movie lover’s delight I’m definitely having trouble getting excited for Men in Black 3, especially after a series of lackluster trailers, but one thing I can ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
LA friends: see Lockout this Friday for free! I’m sorry we usually only get these screening opportunities for people in Los Angeles. I want you guys in other places to get ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
Wachowskis plan Kunis and Tatum for Jupiter Ascending With their expansive and mysterious adaptation of David Mitchell’s novel Cloud Atlas set for release later this year, the Wachowskis are getting ready ... By Xander MarkhamFebruary 20, 20200
Del Toro’s Pacific Rim gets pushed to July 2013 2013 is going to be one baller of a summer. Not only will we have a plethora of franchises returning like Iron Man, ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers Trailer: The Host It looks like Stephanie Meyer was tired of writing Twilight and wanted to try something new. By “try something new,” I mean “combine ... By Jenika KatzFebruary 20, 20200
Review: 4:44 Last Day on Earth 4:44 Last Day on Earth is both about the end of the world and not really about it. In his own words, writer/director ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200 Reviews
Ender’s Game production blog launches, just a little bit You know, I say this every time, so even I’m sick of saying it, but I’m genuinely amazed that the Ender’s Game movie is happening, ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
John Carter is a $200m flop for Disney Disney is anticipating losses of up to $200m on its sci-fi epic John Carter, released only eleven days ago to a resounding critical ... By Xander MarkhamFebruary 20, 20200
Meet the family with character posters for Dark Shadows When most of us here at Flixist saw the set photos for Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows, we were unsure about this project. Burton’s ... By Liz RuggFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers Trailer: Prometheus I’m losing my mind over how awesome this movie looks. Here with a whole bunch of new footage is the full theatrical trailer. ... By Maxwell RoahrigFebruary 20, 20200
Trailer: Prometheus Just yesterday we showed you a new trailer for Prometheus and you had a full blown nerdgasm. Well, consider this a post tug. ... By Andres BolivarFebruary 20, 20200 Trailers
Prometheus viral video brings us the birth of David I love that Prometheus‘s viral campaign, in comparison to so many others, has been reasonably low key. There’s some new stuff every once ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200