Netflix’s 1922 trailer cashes in on Stephen King It craze Hot off the heels of the wildly successful film adaptation of Stephen King’s It, we’re getting a Netflix adaptation of a King novella, ... By Rick LashFebruary 20, 20200 Trailers
IT sequel floats to a 2019 release after Labor Day New Line Cinema’s It has been a massive success. The film soared to both a positive critical and commercial response, and has since ... By Drew StuartFebruary 20, 20200
New York clowns to protest IT over loss of business, a move that cannot possibly backfire It has done gangbusters at the box office and has garnered excellent reviews. Unfortunately, It might be affecting the lives and pocket books ... By Hubert VigillaFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: It Summer is over. We’re entering the weekend past Labor Day. And yet, officially, technically (sorry everyone back in school), we’ve still got two ... By Rick LashFebruary 20, 20200
See IT early and free It’s been a few weeks of suck for movie going audiences, and the box office has reflected that as no one has gone ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Alamo Drafthouse to house all-clown showings of IT As the release date for Steven King’s second film adaptation of the year, It, draws near (September 8), Alamo Drafthouse has announced that ... By Rick LashFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers First full trailer for IT makes it really hard to write a story about it without the pronoun it IT is finally here. Or the remake of it is finally here. Stephen King’s classic horror story already had a TV version that made us ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: The Dark Tower If you’ve read Stephen King’s prolific Dark Tower saga you know it’s a weird, wonderful, flawed, brilliant, mess of an epic that touches so many ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
The Dark Tower is the latest blockbuster to be filled with production problems Based on reports from some inside sources Variety is reporting that The Dark Tower had a very rock production. This might not come as ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
See The Dark Tower Early and free I am so incredibly worried about The Dark Tower. The series of Stephen King books that the film is based on is some ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
The Dark Tower receives another trailer, still has a tower Okay, no, Andy Serkis is not actually playing the tower, much to my own disappointment. Though, I’m sure if he did, there’d be ... By Drew StuartFebruary 20, 20200 Trailers
Trailers The Dark Tower receives its first trailer First, if you haven’t read Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series go and do that. It’s fantastic, and his greatest undertaking as a writer. It’s ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200