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The Flixist Show 15: Crihanna Crippleback

On another classic Flixist Show, Jenika, Liz, Max, and I discuss Edgar Wright’s newest project, the musical stylings of Mr. Robert Pattinson, and, thanks to Nick_Valdez, uncovered a great new game for the show. We also introduced a fancy new segment called, “Liz is a Boss and Makes Her Own Beer.” It’s pretty cool, I guess. Beers, right guys? It’s what we drink with…with our meals at brewpubs.

As always, find us on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace, buy our Android app on Amazon, or download us through the link below! Next week, Max is probably going to have a ton to say about his time at the Oscars, possibly explaining his side of the story for the upcoming sexual harassment case between him and Dame Judi Dench.

The Flixist Show: Crihanna Crippleback

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