The Network Roundup: Just stay afloat


I’m sure all of you had a fantastic weekend. Me? Somehow the weather got better here in Chicago, but of course every time that happens I sick. I won’t whine too much since I didn’t die on a sinking vessel like some folks did back in 1912. I’m not sure if any readers went to go see Leonardo DiCaprio freeze off his privates in 3D this weekend, but I guess people remember the Titanic in different ways –some more profitable than others.

The network kept on cruising with our unstoppable machine. Destructoid lets us know what’s with the Fish. Japanator broke down some hot new shows currently airing. Flixist makes sure you aren’t locked out. Finally, Tomopop swung by C2E2 without giving me a ring. Time to drown my sorrows in some NyQuil. I’m the king of the world!


