The Network Roundup: The red smile


I just can’t believe it. There’s only two more weeks left of Game of Thrones? What am I going to do without my dear King Joffrey and his intent to carve some red smiles? The sneak preview of next week’s episode looks to be pretty exciting and action packed. Maybe we’ll get to see inside the House of the Undying?

Well, the good new is I’m finally in Diablo 3 and loving it, so perhaps I can make that my new obsession… until True Blood starts. Speaking of which, Detructoid has reported that Diablo has already been hacked! How’s that for Blizzard’s security? Japantor shows us a different side of Persona 4′s Naoto. Flixist gets things going with Wes Anderson Week. Lastly, Tomopop has some pictures of Black Widow’s plastic butt. At least next month you won’t have to read about me fawning over Joffrey every week!


