Feeling the post April 1st blues? The day after April Fools always has that feeling of decompression. That sensation you get after a long hearty laugh. A little bit of an adrenaline dump, a slight giggle about the previous days wit, and an all around feeling of completely lacking of anything funny left in your system.
Destructoid took a little peek into our sick deprived social needs with OKDtoid, and yes, that is me that hit you up for your nudes. Japanator has a dream, a dream of the 90’s. No, not the 1890’s you hipster. Flixist finally exposed the deepest secrests of the most powerful main on the planet, yes, Jeff Goldblum. Finally, those crazy kids over at Tomopop got real retro as well, like way back.
- Community! Here’s what we’re doing at PAX East 2012. Coming to PAX east? Come hang out with the Dtoid crew!
- Jimquisition: Changing a game’s ending and destroying art. Pissed at Mass Effect 3’s ending? See what Jim has to say!
- The ladies of Mega Man are forming a J-pop idol group. Oh Capcom you pull at our heart strings.
- Annotated Japanimation! Remember what anime used to be like?
- Cowboy Bebop? Sunrise have run out of ideas. What’s this Cowboy Bepop crap? It’ll never work.
- Toonami returned, if only for April Fool’s Day. Yes, we all shed a tear for you Toonami. Come back, I promise not to flirt with your friends anymore.
- Greeks build world’s largest horse toy. You think collecting your Nendroids is hard work?
- Munn-day Morning Recap: Home Sweet Home. Do you collect Munnys? Get a load of some of these insane customs.
- Reserve or Regret? Week of March 26 to 30, 2012. Tubbsy breaks down the stuff you need this week, yes, even another Hatsune Miku.