The New Mutants | Teaser Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
After that all too brief “going to the mall” scene in X-Men: Apocalypse, I’ve wanted an X-Men film where cool, super-powered teens hang out and do things. But since I don’t make the big decisions, and The New Mutants is based on a comic book team that’s basically X-Men Babies, now we have a horror tinged trailer for The New Mutants movie.
Taking place in a mental asylum where young mutants are being experimented on, there isn’t much story to go on here but this definitely is an interesting direction to go. Director Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) has a pretty grabbing vision, and we don’t see many other genres through the superhero filter. I’m hoping this works out.
The New Mutants opens April 13, 2018.