Tintin details (and a few early images)


A new image from Steven Spielberg’s Tintin has surfaced courtesy of /Film, and from the little we have to peruse (plus our early reactions here), we can gather plenty about the project. The film, written by Steven Moffatt (Sherlock, Doctor Who), Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) and Joe Cornish (Attack the Block), gets the Spielberg treatment. No, not that “Produced by” crap, but real, wholesome Steven Spielberg-directing-this-film type stuff.

We can deduce a few things from this image that will hopefully shed light (with lens flare!) on the tone of the film. Snowy seems to be fully engaged in this book, so maybe Tintin is reading “Hound of The Baskervilles”. Kidding, of course, but this frame does let us know that Spielberg is taking full advantage of modern technology with his compositions. Notice the gorgeous stained-glass window in the corner, the way the light dapples the bookshelves, and the subtle details in Snowy’s face. If the film ends up looking this good, we can delight in some truly special visuals. Add in Nick Frost as the voice of Thomson, and the requisite motion-capture presence of Andy Serkis (seriously, did he monopolize the trade?) and Tintin has the makings of a great film.

Makings, of course, get you nowhere; the proof is in the pudding. A lot of things tend to go wrong with adaptations, especially the ones we cherish as a kid, but at least there are two capable directors at the helm of this franchise. Lets just hope Spielberg is in The Goonies form, and not War Horse form. Cause seriously, why? 


via Slashfilm