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Toby Kebbell to play Dr. Doom

Fantastic Four is a movie already full of people who have a solid chance of being Hollywood A-listers in a few years. The casting has been young and aggressive for the superhero reboot and the news that Toby Kebbell will be playing Dr. Doom keeps in trend with that.

You probably don’t know Kebbel, but the British actor has been popping up here and there, most prominently in Wrath of the Titans. If you’d like to be a bit less worried about the casting he had a strong turn in The East. Considering Victor von Doom wears a metal mask its hard to complain about looks, but megalomaniac evil is a good fit for British actors so no complaints so far.

Filming is starting in a couple weeks on the movie and a release will be coming promptly in June, 2015.

[via Variety]

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