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So, I was wondering throughout the years where the creativity and imagination that went into making The Fifth Element had gone to, and now I find that Luc Besson is producing this incredibly inspired and wistful film called A Monster in Paris. I mean, there’s no guarantee that it’s going to be good, but it at least aims to capture your imagination through its visuals. This movie is actually being redubbed from French to English, so it’s got that whole foreign film mystique about it, too. The English voice cast includes Vanessa Paradis, Catherine O’Hara, Danny Huston, Adam Goldberg and Bob Balaban.
The place is Paris, the date is 1910. The plot, however, still seems a bit confusing to me. Apparently, a projectionist named Emile sets loose a monster from a mad scientist’s greenhouse. Raul is a delivery guy of some kind and Lucille is a singer. Now, once they set loose the monster, they find he can sing, and so he starts to sing with Lucille… I don’t know if there’s some kind of inter-species romance going on here, but then there’s apparently a chase scene. I guess it’s meant to seem ambiguous.
While the film is set to premier at the Toronto Film Festival in September, there’s isn’t yet a U.S. release date.
[Via FirstShowing]