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Trailer: End of Watch

I hadn’t actually paid much attention to David Ayer’s next film End of Watch because his directorial efforts after writing Training Day haven’t been all that fantastic. This trailer has may attention now, though, and since he wrote it and the man knows how to spin a good cop story there’s a much better chance of this being quality. 

The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña as two cops who get in way over their head after making a bust. From the trailer it’s pretty obvious that this is both an action heavy film, but also plenty of cop drama crammed in. It also looks insanely stylistic. We’ve got a plethora of shaky cam action going on and multiple first-person shots. It’s one of those movies where it looks like the style could unfortunately overwhelm the film itself. Hopefully not, because End of Watch looks like it could pack some serious punch if it’s handled right. 

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