The Five-Year Engagement is an upcoming romantic comedy starring Jason Segel and Emily Blunt as an engaged couple who are forced to push their wedding back over various circumstances. Directed and written by Nicholas Stoller (The Muppets), with Segel also co-writing and Judd Apatow producing, the film takes a look at some of the hardships between becoming engaged and actually getting married. Based off the trailer, it seems kind of vanilla, but I’ll withhold judgment until it’s released.
Also cast into the film are Alison Brie (Community), Mindy Kaling (The Office), and Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation). To summarize: This film has Marshall Eriksen, Annie Edison, Kelly Kapor, and Andy Dwyer. It’s like a contemporary TV comedy orgasm. Also, for any Skyrim fans out there, there’s a not-so-subtle reference toward the end of the trailer. Easter eggs!
The Five-Year Engagement will be in theaters on April 27, 2012.
[via Yahoo! Movies, images via Latino Review]