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Trailer: Unauthorized: The Harvey Weinstein Project

I would love to read a book or watch a movie that contains an accounting of Harvey Weinstein’s life and business in Hollywood since he founded Miramax with his brother Bob. I find the man to be distasteful, and his disrespect for filmmakers that aren’t massive, well-known names is legendary. If you have to ask, just look up any of the thousand times he’s mandated someone’s film be re-edited and then look up how many times such an endeavor proved useful. This is a fairly awful trailer, so it’ll be interesting to see if that translates to the movie. It’s also weird because most of the trailer seems to be a lot of famous/important people praising his name, while the narrator tries to inject this maverick spirit to the film that is absolutely present nowhere else.

As long as it’s as good as Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead? from acclaimed documentarian Pearl Jr., it should be interesting.

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