
Trailer: West of Memphis

West of Memphis (2012) Trailer

The West Memphis Three may be free after 18 years in prison, but the case isn’t over just yet. Produced by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, Amy Berg’s documentary West of Memphis examines the WM3 case and demands a new investigation into the brutal child murders in Memphis, Arkansas.

I’m a fan of the Paradise Lost WM3 documentaries from Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky. Over the course of three films and 15 years, they were able to track the case as it unfolded. I wonder what Berg’s documentary will offer when it comes to the WM3. Based on press releases we’ve received, the film is making the state of Arkansas consider reopening the case.

West of Memphis will be in theaters on December 28th, 2012. It will also screen at the DOC NYC film festival this Saturday. Director Amy Berg, producer Lorri Davis, WM3 member Damien Echols, and Henry Rollins are expected to attend. Look for our review of West of Memphis later this week.

[Via The Playlist]

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.