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Warner Bros. is thinking about a Shining prequel

Warner Bros. is what they like to call “quietly looking in to” doing a prequel to Stanley Kubrick’s seminal The Shining. I wish I were making this up. While nothing is set in stone, writer/producers James Vanderbilt, Laeta Kalogridis, and Bradley Fischer are said to be in the preliminary stages of development. Now, those are three pretty big names in the psychological thriller genre, but that still doesn’t make Warners’ decision any better.

Sure, you could explore the Overlook’s past patrons, and the history of the hotel itself. But why would you ever want that? Beyond the density of the movie’s themes, part of the intrigue of the flick is the mystery surrounding everything. And then there’s this guy. Man, he’s a whole different story.

[via Collider]

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