Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger rock a terrific mustache and fight Jackie Chan in trailer for The Iron Mask


THE IRON MASK | UK TRAILER | Starring Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger | 2020

Remember way back when I waxed poetic about China and Russia getting a Jackie Chan/Arnold Schwarzenegger action flick while the rest of the world gets nothing? Well, we can now check out the first official trailer for The Iron Mask in the lead-up to its theatrical premier in the UK–and nowhere else.

Since its first announcement, the film has pulled a Harley Quinn and changed its title to something not insane. The Iron Mask was first called The Mystery of the Dragon Seal: Journey to China (which, you know, rolls right off the tongue) and is technically the sequel to a Russian Gothic fantasy called Forbidden Empire. I have a feeling that’s not going to matter much, though.

Whether you’ve seen the original or not, I think we can all agree this is a film that will likely feature very little of Jackie Chan or Arnold Schwarzenegger. That said, what’s here could be some kitschy fun low-budget fantasy. Also, Schwarzenegger yells TOWAH, and it sounds quite a bit like CHOPPAH, and maybe that’s all we need.

The Iron Mask will hit UK theaters and digital on April 10, 2020.

Kyle Yadlosky
Kyle Yadlosky only cares about trash. The trippy, bizarre, DIY, and low-budget are his home. He sleeps in dumpsters and eats tinfoil. He also writes horror fiction sometimes.