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Watch The Chickening, a NSFW and WTF parody of The Shining

Nick DenBoer and Davy Force’s The Chickening is a poultry-centric parody of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.

I want you to pause a moment, read that sentence again, and then just watch the NSFW video below.

That was the Citizen Kane of poultry-based Shining parodies.

My friend Jon Russek sent this along to me last night, and it is a mesmerizing remix. Stranger still, The Chickening played at last year’s Toronto International Film Festival as well as this year’s Sundance Film Festival.

Since this is a riff on The Shining, I expect there to be lots of crazy conspiracy theory analysis a la Room 237, the documentary by Rodney Ascher.

Provide your detailed, overly intellectualized reads of The Chickening in the comments.

[Birth.Movies.Death. via @filmaddict]

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