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Weekend Watchlist: Thunder

Well everyone, Thor officially happened, and from the reports of my friends, I can’t figure out what the hell the general public thought about the film. Every person I’ve talked to has a slightly different opinion, ranging from best movie ever to worst movie ever. Seriously. I have heard both of those.

I didn’t see Thor this weekend, but I did see, for the first time, Mulholland Dr. I’m going to be taking at length about the movie in a post later this week, so I don’t want to say too much about my experience just yet. I will say this: whoa.

Any great theater or home video experiences this weekend? Let us all know in the comments, and while you’re there, please tell me WTF Mulholland Dr. was.

Remember the last time a movie about a superhero came out? Those were good times. So long ago, it seems — probably a month or something crazy like that. That terrible drought ends Friday when Thor comes to every theater ever.

There’s also a lot of weird stuff opening in limited release: you’ll find The Beaver in a couple of theaters, Hobo with a Shotgun, and then some romantic looking stuff that is definitely going to be on your list, so I won’t even mention them. Because you’re obviously going to see them.

What are your movie-watching plans for the weekend? Let us know down in the comments, and next week we’ll discuss how terribly our plans went awry.

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