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Wha’ Happened: Niero’s Birthday

What? The birthday of this entire wonderful network’s founder is totally a holiday. You wait and see. 100 years from now we’ll all be getting this day off in celebration. Also, we will be living a lot longer so that we can celebrate. So get ready because Modern Method is going to take over the world and then institute this national holiday and rule the world with an iron fist.

In celebration of Niero’s birthday we wrote lots of great stuff. Check it out.


Don’t retake Mass Effect, remake it.
Destructoid turns six. Help us help the world this year.
Reviews: Jagged Alliance: Back in Action, MLB 12 The Show


Valve and ThreeA Toys to work together. Imagine awesome meeting awesome and making a toy.
New Zukies incoming. These guys are too cute.
Walt Mickey. The creepiest thing you will see for a long while.


Go West Week 8. This week featuring a game called If I Were in a Sealed Room With a Girl I’d Probably XXX.
Fire Ramen. Sounds good… and possibly deadly.
Sumioni: Demon Arts makes me want a Vita.

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