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What kind of day has it been: Oct. 18 2010

OMG Flixist! It’s crazy, isn’t it? It feels like just yesterday that we were just starting out: a new blog in a harsh world, struggling against the raptor, wondering how many must cry.

Oh, wait, that was today? By the gods, it sure was.

In any event, today sure was the first day of Flixist. Sure, you probably saw that raptor a lot more than you wanted to, but we put some fantastic content up, and I truly hope you got the chance to check it all out. If not, that’s what this post is here for. Every day, I’ll be recapping what we did in a way that might definitely reference Aaron Sorkin. All in a day’s work, ladies and gentlemen. All in a day’s work.

OMG Flixist! It's crazy, isn't it? It feels like just yesterday that we were just starting out: a new blog in a harsh world, struggling against the raptor, wondering how many must cry.

Oh, wait, that was today? By the gods, it sure was.

In any event, today sure was the first day of Flixist. Sure, you probably saw that raptor a lot more than you wanted to, but we put some fantastic content up, and I truly hope you got the chance to check it all out. If not, that's what this post is here for. Every day, I'll be recapping what we did in a way that might definitely reference Aaron Sorkin. All in a day's work, ladies and gentlemen. All in a day's work.{{page_break}}

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