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The Night Sitter looks like a fun enough little horror/comedy. You got a bratty kid, an eccentric father with something to hide, and a crew of thieves seeking out some occult goodies all ready to be picked off by a pack of malicious witches. What makes this odd to me are all the pretty overt nods to Suspiria throughout the trailer.
Sure, Dario Argento’s 1977 film is widely regarded as a horror masterpiece with clear inspirations through a huge swatch of modern horror films–but a campy horror/comedy about a babysitter? That’s not what I’d expect to see a trio of witches called The Three Mothers. Even with the surreal green, blue, and red lighting, this movie has I Like Suspiria scrawled across its forehead, and yet the content probably has more in common with Home Alone. It’s just a bit weird.
Overall, though, I like the style and look forward to seeing more of what this has to offer when The Night Sitter hits DVD and VOD on August 6, 2019.